The Power Of Walking

Recruitment is a fast paced job with plenty of moving parts which admittedly can become quite stressful at times.

It’s something our leadership team are very aware of which is why over the years we have organised plenty of team walks where we get everyone out of the office and away from their desks. From famously getting caught in a snowstorm on Snowdon to navigating across the peak district in tropical heat we’ve done it all.

In our opinion you can’t underestimate the power of walking, the benefits go way beyond improving your mental health.

Follow this link to learn more.

Great Walks Near Manchester

The good news is if you live in Manchester you are spoilt for choice if you fancy getting active.

There are hundreds of outstanding walks & hikes on your doorstep and as this year’s theme to Mental Health Awareness Week is “Movement”, we have selected 3 of the team’s favourite walks for you to try out this weekend.


Dovestone Reservoir

Recommended by our Senior Consultant Erin who loves taking her dogs on this walk:

Location: Oldham

Length: 4.3km

Difficulty: Easy

Situated on the edge of Oldham and the Peak District National Park, Dove Stone Reservoir is a spectacular area popular with visitors and for family days out. A picturesque spot, the main reservoir has its own sailing club, a permanent orienteering course, an extensive network of footpaths, and good links to areas of open access moorland.

For full information on this walk follow the link.

Delamere Forest

Recommended by our Senior Consultant Sam who lives close to Delamere. It’s got some brilliant trails for running and walking and is well worth checking out:

Location: Delamere

Length: 12.7km

Difficulty: Moderate

Enjoy winding through Delamere Forest with scenic paths, waterside tracks and chances to spot wildlife. Starting at Whitefield Car Park, the trail heads beside Blakemere Moss and past the Visitor Centre before climbing up to the viewpoint at Pale Heights.

For full information on this walk follow the link.

Macclesfield Forest

Recommended by our Director Rebecca his is a more challenging walk – we would expect nothing less from someone that spends most of their weekends walking in the hills:

Location: Macclesfield

Length: 12.9km

Difficulty: Hard

Three hills in one walk. Starting with Teggs Nose, coming down the hillside and preparing to go back up to Mac Forest. Once you reach the old house within the forest there is a moderate climb to walk through some nice views from within the Forest which allows you to see your third climb.

For full information on this walk follow the link.

Moving More For Our Mental Health

For most of the Platinum Team walking is part of their weekly routine; so we are championing the mental health benefits you get from simply getting out of the house or office and walking for 30 minutes.

It’s a proven fact that movement is key to having a healthy mental state which is why we have recommended some walks in this blog; however, if walking isn’t your thing but you feel your mental health needs a boost then click this link for some information on how.



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